Myers applied for a furlough January 20, 1865 that was recorded as in Gary's Brigade. This furlough was approved by all necessary.
Pvt. Myers carried this pass of proof with him. It read as follows:
Camp near Richmond, Va. January 21, 1865.
Age 36 years, 5 feet 10 inches high, complexion dark, eyes blue, hair dark and by profession a merchant born in the France -?, and enlisted at Augusta, Georgia on the 11 of April 1861 and to serve for the war, is hereby permited to go to his home in the county of Richmond, State of Georgia.
H.A. Strickland, Lieut. Comdg. Co. A, 7 Regt. Geo. Cavalry.
The bearer hearof, Private B. Myer of Liet. Bunche's Company A, 7th Regt. Geo. Cavalry.
He having received a furlough from the 21st day of January to the --?-- of --?--- at which period, he will rejoin his company or regiment at this camp or wherever it then may be stationed or be considered a deserter.
No further records.