The 7th was being prepared for serving in Northern Virginia. When the orders came in early April that the regiment was to leave soon, W.E., like most of the men, found ways with or without leave, to see their family before departing . Pvt. Durden was listed as absent without leave for a short period of time in April. After this he was shown as being present through October. Thereafter very few records were to be found except for hospital information. It shows that he received a clothing issue sometime in the fall of 1864.
On December 22nd he was admitted to a hospital with pneumonia and afterwards sent to General Hospital in Savannah on January 16, 1865 and admitted there on the 19th.
No further information on him.
I can only assume that he was one of the 200 who came to Georgia in December to acquire fresh horses. He probably was captured and sent to the hospital which was then in Yankee hands. Savannah had been taken by Sherman in late December 1864.
Information provided by John W. Durden, G-Grandson of W.E. Durden.