Below is a report wrtitten by his commander commending him on a job, well done. ____________________________________
Report of Major William P. White, Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry.
Waccamaw Forces, January 26, 1864.
Major, Commanding Twenty-first Georgia Cav. Battalion.
CAPTAIN: In conformity to General Orders, No.128, Department of South Carolina,
Georgia, and Florida, paragraph 1, I feel it a duty incumbent on me, as well
as a pleasure, to notice the meritorious conduct of Junior Second
Lieutenant Thomas Young and Private Lemuel Robertson, both of Company C,
Twenty-first Georgia Cavalry Battalion, who gallantly charged upon 25
Abolitionists on Dubardu Beach, Waccamaw, S.C., on the 7th instant, armed
with cutlasses and pistols, and aided in compelling them to lay down their arms
and surrender when there was no supporting forces within three-quarters of a
mile of the parties. To my surprise, instead of one volley at least, the whole
party, commanded by a lieutenant of the U.S. Navy, obeyed the summons, were
taken prisoners, and were delivered up to your order.
Very respectfully, yours,
On February 13, 1864, Pvt. Lemuel Robinson was transferred to Co. B, 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry through consolidation of units.
Pvt. Robinson was captured June 11, 1864 durnint the Battle of Trevillian Station. He was sent to Fortress Monroe, Va. on June 20th, moved to Point Lookout, Md. and was transferred to Elmira Prison, N.Y.
On June 27, 1865 Pvt. Lemuel Robinson was released. His description upon departing was as follows: residence, Millen, Ga.; complexion, florid; hair, auburn; eyes, blue; height, 6 feet 1 inch.