The following is a report where he preformed admirably:
CAMP LEE, July 4, 1863.
I have the honor to report that I have just returned from a scout of Ossabaw Island.
With a party of 9 men, I landed there just about daylight yesterday morning, July 3.
We scouted it carefully up to McDonald's place, .............without seeing any sign of the
enemy............Wishing to see the battery at the north point, and ascertain the number
of men, if practicable, we left our lair before day; but on our way Captain [R. H.] Wylly,
of Company C, was taken suddenly and violently sick, and we had to return without
accomplishing it. On our way back, however, we paid a formal visit to McDonald's,
and surprised and captured there a Yankee picket post of 2 men; also, we captured
8 negroes. .............. seems capable of having information obtained from him. He states
the force on the island to be about 800 or 900, and they have six guns mounted.
.............. They state that within the last few days 120,000 men have been sent from
Hilton Head to Folly Island. This has either just been done or is about to be done.
So much for what they say.
The alarm was given to the battery and gunboats, and the latter were stationed
so as to cut us off; but thanks, under Providence, to the heroism and endurance
of Privates A. W. Dixon and [J.M.S.] Cosby, of Company B, [John S.] Perrin, of
Company C, [G.] Lewis, of Company A, and of my acting surgeon, Dr. Ruddell, who
pulled the boat through the marsh grass, in water up to their waists, for
nearly 2 miles, we eluded their watch, and arrived up here at 12 m. to-day.
I remain, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Major Twenty-fourth Georgia Battalion.
On February 13, 1864 Dixon was transferred to Co. C, 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry through consolidation of units. On June 11, 1864, Pvt. Dixon's horse was captured during the Battle of Trevillian Station, along with the saddle, bridle, halter, and sabre.
Cpl. Andrew W. Dixon served through the duration of the war and surrendered near Appomattox, Va.