B.C. Wall ..........My company was from Elbert and Hart Counties.........You will see that I enlisted in Dec. 1863 & I was 16 in April 1864.
When I enlisted, the Regiment was stationed at Savannah, & I am not quite sure, but it was then a battalion, as I did not go out at once, & there were two battalions of cavalry at Savannah & they were consolidated into the 7th Ga. Cav., commanded by Col. McCallister, Lt.Col. Anderson, & Major Whiteford Russell. McCallister & Anderson were from or near Savannah, Russell was from Augusta.
Directly after I joined the regiment we were ordered to Virginia. General Lee's army was camped on the Rapidan. I remember I was put on picket duty very soon after my arrival in Va. & I was near Raccine Ford(?)
Co. C was commanded by (Capt) J. Davies, 1st Lt. A - Setts (Setze), 2nd Liet. J.M. Brewer, 3rd Liet. J. Langston. We were in the campaigns of 1864 & 1865. My regiment was placed in P.M.B. Young's brigade.
There were but few of my company that returned ........ We went out late but we lost nearly all. I think we had 87 men when we went to Virginia, & my recollection is, less than 30 came back.......
.........I thank you very much Gill(?) for your prompt reply, & if there is any thing I can do to help you let me know & I will cheerfully do it, as it is nearer to my heart than any thing except my family.
Thanking you again I am your comrade, B.C. Wall._(Budd Clay Wall)
Information provided by John Latty
Photo provided by Stewart Wall.