The following reports reflect the courage and valor of 1st Sgt. William H. Crawford.
OCTOBER 19, 1863.-Affair at Murrell’s Inlet, S.C.
Report of Brig. Gen. J.H. Trapier, C. S. Army, commanding Fourth Military District.
I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
* "The Rover".
Charleston, S. C., October 2~, 1863.
Respectfully, your obedient servant,
Georgetown, October 22, 1863.
I have the honor to report the capture, by a detachment
belonging to Company B, Twenty-first Battalion Georgia Cavalry,
under the command of Lieutenant [Ely] Kennedy, of 10 of the enemy (a lieutenant and 9 men), at Murrell’s Inlet, on the afternoon of
the 19th instant, under the following circumstances:
About a week ago a schooner,* attempting to run the blockade into
that inlet, was driven ashore near by. Her cargo was landed in safety
upon the beach and removed behind the sand-hills immediately in
rear for greater security. The vessel was then burned by the crew.
It is presumed that the object of the enemy’s demonstration on the
19th was the destruction of this cargo. He approached the shore in
two barges, one of them carrying a howitzer. This blockading vessel lay off about 500 yards from the beach. Seventeen men, armed
with rifles and pistols, landed and approached the sand-hills. Behind these hills Lieutenant Kennedy had concealed a portion of his men, dismounted. Another body (mounted) was ordered to make a
dash upon the enemy’s rear as soon as fire was opened upon them in
front, and cut off their retreat. The orders were executed with
promptness and precision, and the result was as I have reported,
without a single casualty on our side, notwithstanding that the
enemy opened fire from his gunboat as well as his barges. None of
his dead or wounded fell into our hands, but several men were seen
to fall when the retreating barges were fired upon.
The little affair reflects much credit upon the skill and judgment
of the young officer in command, as well as upon the courage and
coolness of his men.
Major [W. P.] White, commanding on Waccamaw Neck, says in
his official report: “Every man engaged in the affair deserves commendation.” He mentions particularly Sergt. W. H. Crawford, who
received the sword of the captured officer. The prisoners leave today under guard for the headquarters of the department.
Brigadier- General, Gommanding.
Chief of Staff, &c.
Brig. Gen. J. H. TRAPIER:
Please express to Lieutenant [Ely] Kennedy and his
command the high sense which the commanding general has of the
good conduct which characterized their affair on the afternoon of the
19th instant, at Murrell’s Inlet, with the enemy’s barges, which resulted in the capture of a lieutenant and 10 men of the enemy’s force.
The commanding general is further pleased to thank Sergt. W. H.
Crawford for the part he took in the transaction, as specially noticed
by his commanding officer. Officers and men on outpost service, by
coolness, vigilance, subordination, and resolution, may frequently
render signal service by successful small encounters with the enemy.
General, Commanding.]
On February 13, 1864, units were again consolidated and Sgt. Crawford was transferred to Co. E, 7th Georgia Cavalry.
As the regiment was preparing for the march to Northern Virginia, Sgt. Crawford was issued a furlough on the 18th of April 1864 with instructions to rejoin the company at Augusta.
On June 11, 1864, Sgt. Crawford was captured near Trevillian Station, Va. He was sent to Fortress Monroe, Va. June 20th and on July 25th was transferred to Elmira Prison, N.Y.
1st Sgt. Willian H. Crawford was transferred for exchange and was paroled October 11, 1864. The actual exchange took place on October 29th. No further records.