In March '64 he was sick in Bell Hospital, Greensboro, Ga.- no details.
Lt. Jackson received at Savannah on the 14th day of April from Capt. W.D. Harden, Ord. Officer; 30 cartridges for Colt Army Pistols and 40 caps (these were the number of containers of each).
Between May and August he was detailed to command Co. A.
One of the duties of Lt. Jackson was making sure that the camp, men and horses have what is needed. He requisitioned forage or food for the horses many times--some follow; July 20 horses, August 12 horses, September 6 horses, October 8 horses.
In the 4th quarter of '64 he issued a special requisition for his men which included: 53 pr socks, 38 pr shoes, 40 pr drawers, 12 pr pants, 5 jackets, 18 flannel shirts, 6 blankets and 4 caps.
Also in the 4th qtr Lt. Jackson requisitioned for the camp; 9 shelter tents, 2 skillets with lids, 1 boiler, 11 pounds nails, 1 blank book, 1 wall tent, 1 ax, 2 fry pans and 1 camp kettles.
He also requisitioned fuel (mostly wood) for the camp several times.
Jackson, now listed as 1st Lt, was on detailed service January 1, 1865 by order of General Elwell. No details.
Lt. Jackson left command March 25, 1865 to get a fresh mount. He was unable to return because the Federal army was between him and command.