Walter Murphy (Waller) was commissioned Jr. 2nd Lt. on April 10, 1863. Lt. Murphy served with the 21st Battalion, Georgia Cavalry until, through consolidation of units, he was transferred to Co. F, 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry.

Lt. Murphy was Acting Adjutant from May through October, '64 along with performing his normal duties. In the 4th quarter of 1864 Lt. Murphy requisitioned needs for the men and camp: 14 pair socks, 2 pair shoes, 2 pair pants, 1 jacket, 8 flannel shirts, 4 pair drawers, 3 blankets, 3 shelter tents, 1 boiler, 1 skillet and lid, 1 water bucket, 3 wall tents and flies, 1 deck, 1 table, 11 pounds nails. In December Lt. Murphy was performing special service ordered by General Elwell. No details.

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