W.J. Griffin (Washington Jackson (Jack) Griffin) enlisted September 22, 1862 at Waynesville. He was in Company A, 24th Battalion, Georgia Cavalry until February 13, 1864 when the 7th Regiment, Georgia Cavalry was organized through consolidation. Co. A of the 24th was then Co. G of the 7th.

Pvt. Griffin was captured June 11, 1864 near Trevillian Station, Va. He was sent to Fortress Monroe June 20th and was transferred to Elmira Prison, N.Y. July 25, 1864.

Pvt. W.J. Griffin was released July 11, 1865 at Elmira. His description on departure: residence, Savannah; complexion, fair; hair, light; eyes, blue; height, 5 feet 7 inches.

"Jack" Griffin is buried in High Bluff Cemetery just outside of Hoboken, GA.

Information provided by Silas David Douglas, direct descendent of W.J.Griffin.

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