2nd Lt. Strickland retained his rank in the 7th. One of the jobs of company level commissioned officers was to maintain the needs of the men, horses and the camp.
Requisition for forage: July, 9 horses; August, 6 horses; September, 5 horses; October, 7 horses.
In the 3rd quarter if '64 he requisitioned clothing for the men; 9 pair pants, 25 pair shoes, 5 caps, 3 jackets, 10 shirts and 7 pair drawers.
In the 4th quarter, again clothing; 3 caps, 31 pair socks, 16 pair shoes, 15 pair drawers, 8 pair pants and 17 flannel shirts.
Also in the 4th quarter, a requisition for camp needs; 6 shelter tents, 2 skillets and lids, 11 pounds nails, one blank book, 1 fry pan and 1 ax.
2nd Lt. Strickland was captured at Sailor's Creek, Va. April 6, 1865. He was sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio April 17th. He was released June 20, '65.
His description upon release: residence, Savannah; complexion, florid; hair, dark; eyes, blue; height; 5 feet 9 inches.