The Captain must make sure all necessities of the men, horses and the camp are requisitioned in a timely manner.
Some examples:
Food for the company's horses: May '64, 76 horses; July, 36 horses; August, 30 horses; September, 24 horses.
Fuel for the camp, July '64: 2 cords (number of the men in the company); 1 Capt., 3 subalterns, 26 NCOs & Pvts.; total 30 men.
Special Requisition, September: 5 shelter tents, 1 ax.
On October 31, 1864 Capt. Brumby was on horse detail for General Lee.
Capt. Brumby's inspection report of February 27, 1865 shows the 7th is now in Gary's Brigade (G.W. Gary) at Frazer's House, Williamsburg Road.