Lt. Kiser had responsibilities such as enlistment, maintaining the needs of the horses, the men and supplies for the camp.
In 1864, he requisitioned forage and feed for the horses; in August, 11 horses; September, 6 horses and in October 14 horses.
For the men, in the 4th Quarter of 1864 he requisitioned; 2 caps, 26 pair of socks, 28 pair of shoes, 18 pair of drawers, 14 pair of pants, 6 jackets, 13 flannel shirts and 5 blankets.
Also in the 4th Quarter, the camp needed supplies; 4 shelter tents, 1 boiler, 1 skillet with lid, 1 blank book, 11 pound of nails, 1 wall tent, 1 camp kettle and 1 ax.