In December, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of 4th Corporal, and was then promoted to 3rd Corporal in February, 1863. On September 17, 1863, he received the rank of 1st Corporal.
Upon formation of the 7th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Cavalry in Febrary, 1864, he was assigned to Company K. On the Company Muster Roll for Mar/Apr 1864, Fannin is shown holding the rank of "5th Sgt".
His name then appears on the Morning Report of Jackson Hospital, Richmond, Virginia for June 5, 1864 and is shown as being a part of "Young's" Brigade. The entry for "Disease" is "Remit Febris", meaning to relieve a fever. He was returned to duty on July 19, 1864.
Record of Events of the 10th Michigan Cavalry for March and April, 1865, shows that regiment at Newton, N. C. for a few days paroling C.S.A. prisoners. However, there is no record of any capture of Sgt. F.A. Morgan.
It is believed that these men were being paroled after the surrender of General Joseph E. Johnston's army to that of General William T. Sherman at Hillsboro, N.C. on April 17, 1865."
Submitted by Richard Beil, Great-Great Grand Nephew of Fannin A. Morgan.