The following is the official listing of this transfer.
Headquarters 1st Batt. Ky. Mounted Rifleman
The bearer hereof P. H. Aldridge a private of Co. D 1st Ky. M R is hereby
Jas. M Kont Lieut
Elizabethtown Carter Co.
Tenn. Aug. 17 1864
granted a transfer to Capt Brumby (?) Co of the 7th Ga Cavl he being a
resident of the state of Ga is entitled to a transfer upon application in
obediance to an order from the secretary of war. The above named individual
was enlisted in my company Jan 17th 64 & has received pay to the first day of
March (64) height 6 feet 1 inch dark eyes hair black complexion dark by
occupation a farmer & is at present dismounted & by being transferred can
procure a horse from home. Given under my hand this 17th Aug 1864
Com Co D
Information provided by John Latty